Genesis Block or geth error?

HellRazorHellRazor BerlinMember Posts: 99 ✭✭
edited July 2015 in Geth - Go Implementation
geth --genesis genesis_block.json I0730 19:01:30.309224 9498 flags.go:383] WARNING: No etherbase set and no accounts found as default I0730 19:01:30.309435 9498 database.go:74] Alloted 16MB cache to /home/user/.ethereum/blockchain I0730 19:01:30.312592 9498 database.go:74] Alloted 16MB cache to /home/user/.ethereum/state I0730 19:01:30.316762 9498 database.go:74] Alloted 16MB cache to /home/user/.ethereum/extra I0730 19:01:30.319247 9498 backend.go:289] Protocol Versions: [61 60], Network Id: 1 I0730 19:01:31.400530 9498 backend.go:301] Successfully wrote genesis block. New genesis hash = eb9f1658ba4415557d3952c22cb6aadd416c6d803a47f7ab6c21acb7e758483c I0730 19:01:31.400618 9498 backend.go:318] Blockchain DB Version: 3 I0730 19:01:31.400792 9498 chain_manager.go:232] Last block (#0) eb9f1658ba4415557d3952c22cb6aadd416c6d803a47f7ab6c21acb7e758483c TD=17179869184 I0730 19:01:31.409885 9498 cmd.go:122] Starting Geth/v1.0.0/linux/go1.4.2 I0730 19:01:31.410083 9498 server.go:311] Starting Server I0730 19:01:32.478844 9498 udp.go:205] Listening, enode://a352ad032386d32589799e8bb757d46cee432e58abff8c846a326b17bc09a7522[email protected][::]:30303 I0730 19:01:32.478995 9498 backend.go:550] Server started I0730 19:01:32.478979 9498 server.go:548] Listening on [::]:30303 I0730 19:01:32.480685 9498 ipc_unix.go:76] IPC service started (/home/user/.ethereum/geth.ipc) I0730 19:02:32.479792 9498 downloader.go:277] Block synchronisation started I0730 19:02:34.743081 9498 chain_manager.go:650] imported 1 block(s) (0 queued 0 ignored) including 0 txs in 1.737967738s. #1 [59cbd691 / 59cbd691] I0730 19:02:34.898860 9498 chain_manager.go:650] imported 62 block(s) (0 queued 0 ignored) including 0 txs in 155.637014ms. #63 [35f06a43 / b3ad67a5] I0730 19:02:35.650603 9498 chain_manager.go:650] imported 64 block(s) (0 queued 0 ignored) including 0 txs in 132.959126ms. #127 [218e03c3 / 226a0827] I0730 19:02:35.697388 9498 chain_manager.go:650] imported 7 block(s) (0 queued 0 ignored) including 0 txs in 18.64377ms. #134 [9d57b786 / 1bc83224] I0730 19:02:53.763953 9498 chain_manager.go:650] imported 1 block(s) (0 queued 0 ignored) including 0 txs in 8.337631ms. #88 [546ac360 / 546ac360] I0730 19:02:54.130807 9498 chain_manager.go:650] imported 7 block(s) (0 queued 0 ignored) including 0 txs in 19.180689ms. #95 [b67f6404 / 9b3dd21d] I0730 19:02:54.194857 9498 chain_manager.go:650] imported 8 block(s) (0 queued 0 ignored) including 0 txs in 25.077056ms. #103 [4555543b / fa8d4b6e] I0730 19:02:54.507790 9498 chain_manager.go:650] imported 5 block(s) (0 queued 0 ignored) including 0 txs in 17.653864ms. #108 [0e078687 / 10d7367f] I0730 19:03:04.305691 9498 chain_manager.go:766] Bad block #109 (8a41f4d83e2d60651b30c454e03f8019fa1e619a6ff2440ae0620fbbdcff2eb9) I0730 19:03:04.305762 9498 chain_manager.go:767] Difficulty check failed for block 16352959685, 16336997793 ^[[6~I0730 19:03:31.495186 9498 chain_manager.go:766] Bad block #109 (8a41f4d83e2d60651b30c454e03f8019fa1e619a6ff2440ae0620fbbdcff2eb9) I0730 19:03:31.495257 9498 chain_manager.go:767] Difficulty check failed for block 16352959685, 16336997793

again and again, used:
$ python --extradata 0x11bbe8db4e347b4e8c937c1c8370e4b5ed33adb3db69cbdb7a38e1e50b1b82fa > genesis_block.json

To create the genesis block...
$ sha256sum genesis_block.json c3f86f316cbc1a9475695af77a8c37453c7c7763e74ff2b5cd911156ad46aa20 genesis_block.json

What is wrong? I see chain is already way above 1000blocks?!


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