Is MKTX broken?

I'm trying to get a first smart contract working. I started more ambitions but now I've retreated to the simplest thing I can think of:

In LLL, this contract just receives an amount and refunds it to the sender.

(mktx (txsender) (txvalue) 0)

It produces this EVM which looks fine:


Using OSX AlethZero, I send 1000 finney to an empty address with the above code as the data. After the next block is mined, I see my contract is created at 929ec83f.. and is has a balance of 1000finney as expected. Checking it's contents in the contracts pane, I see my code. So far so good.

Now to test it, I send 100finney to the 929ec83f.. contract (data field left empty). After the next block is mined, I see that transaction. The contract's new balance is 980finney. This suggests that the contract received the finney, sent it back, and consumed another 20finney in execution fees. I expect to see a transaction refunding 100finney back to my sending address on the next block. However, this doesn't appear.

What went wrong?


  • chris613chris613 Member Posts: 93 ✭✭
    Calls to mktx do not result in new transactions going on the blockchain, they affect balances directly. Did you see your refund in your balance?
  • mode80mode80 Member Posts: 64 ✭✭
    ah.. that would explain it. I didn't notice my balance change because I was mining at the same time, and because I was fully expecting a transaction.

    But wait. This raises an important question. No generated transaction would mean that ethereum's design foils any kind of basic accounting best practices. To a human, contracts would be these black boxes where money goes in and balances "magically" change without any clear evidence of how.

    Ethereum is the accounting system to end all accounting systems, but it has no ledger? Please let this be wrong.
  • mode80mode80 Member Posts: 64 ✭✭
    Maybe (probably?) there is an actual transaction created by MKTX and we're just not seeing it surfaced in the AlethZero UI. Can someone confirm?
  • JasperJasper Eindhoven, the NetherlandsMember Posts: 514 ✭✭✭
    Firstly, i was wondering about the 'detail' if mktx actually put something on the blockchain. I expected not, because it is a waste of space.(i should read the source)

    The contract execution already implies that there is this additional transaction, and it can be calculated from the facts that this transaction existed. An explorer could whip up those transactions. (Given balances, i dont think you can easy run contracts backwards though? So you'd need info older than what you want to look at, oldest being the genesis block)

    If something can easily be determined from the record, it might aswel *be* on the record. Saving things on hard disks doesnt make continguous files on the disk; it may be spread around where there is space. Cutting paper into pieces and reassembling when you need it are also not 'basic accounting best practices', but that is how it sometimes works on your harddisk. If you dont care about that, you shouldnt care about this either. Just exploring the bytes on your harddisk, you will be hard-pressed to find your files even if they were whole.
  • mode80mode80 Member Posts: 64 ✭✭
    An example might illustrate better why this is a problem.

    Say you want to create a contract that runs a small-scale lottery. The contract is programmed to accept .001 ether, and up on reaching 1 ether, send the full amount to a lucky winner. Because the ether is sent by the contract (using MKTX) there is no record of the transfer. Nobody will have any idea where the ether was sent and no ready way to find out.

    Even if this does not bother you, it is still an uncomfortable inconsistency that one method of sending funds (via the client) creates a record of the transfer, and the other method (via MKTX) does not.

    The blockchain, often described as a global ledger, would instead be a series of balance snapshots with nothing to connect the state of one to the next.

    Only by running every single contract's code under absolutely identical conditions could we link one set of balances to the next. Meanwhile, we strive to make this impossible. (See

    We talk about Ethereum in a future where corporation bylaws exist on the blockchain as DAOs. No serious business will use it for this purpose if its infeasible to determine how money got where it is. The accounting profession has exists for thousands of years because people have a real-world need for that.

    I fear this could be a fatal design flaw.

    My C++ is rusty, but from my look at the code it appears my fears are correct. I would be grateful if someone else could confirm.
  • JasperJasper Eindhoven, the NetherlandsMember Posts: 514 ✭✭✭
    As i said, the transaction can be reconstructed easily by anyone. They are in there. Seeing it any other way, the files in your computer arent there either, movies and music are gibberish. Hell, a tape recorder is a bit of string.

    The blockchain is not a set of snapshots. A full node cant even know the balances without running all the code in all the contracts, as initiated by transactions.(a lightweight node can almost trustlessly ask full nodes)

    You misunderstand the article you linked. That will not be build into ethereum at all. It is about the potential that people use that technology to create contracts that contain secrets.

    But not all contracts will be made that way, and even for the ones that do, every full node neccesarilly still runs the code everyone still sees them run `mktx`, you know *that* the contract did that transaction. That is exactly what is surprising about that technology, you run the whole thing and know all the data, yet it contains a secret.

    And even if the technology is used, it may still be for the mere hiding of a private key for instance.
  • JasperJasper Eindhoven, the NetherlandsMember Posts: 514 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2014
    Should have said the first two paragraphs this way: The blockchain isnt a ledger in the same way mp3, .ogg, .wav files, cassettes, gramophone records arent sounds.
  • mode80mode80 Member Posts: 64 ✭✭
    I understand your analogies but I’m not sure they apply.

    If you gave me an address and I sent you funds with MKTX, could you tell me where the funds came from?

    If you cannot, I would suggest this is a big problem.
  • JasperJasper Eindhoven, the NetherlandsMember Posts: 514 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2014
    You cant send a transaction without signing it. The address can be used to check the wallet holder indeed signed it. So you know who the transactions are from.

    1) full node sees the transaction on the block, it is signed by some address, and it says it sends it to me. So i know both from, to and the amount.

    2) Full node sees a transaction sends to a contract. It executes the script. The script uses mktx, which sends it to me. I can tell that it came from the script, and who triggered it.

    3) The contract may have been used earlier, and the new contract just triggers the send but the full node can see the earlier transaction that set that up too. And scripts can call scripts. But it is all perfectly visible, people could make software that indicates all the amounts and messages that came into the script.

    You should also realize, if you put it in a pot together, ethers arent idenfiable. If i and you have a pot of 1kg gold dust, and put it together, mix it, then pay 0.1kg to alice, and then i take 0.9kg and you 1kg.. Well you'd probably say it came from me.

    I suppose the link about the obfuscation might allow mixing in scripts, without knowing what coin came from whom. But, actually i dont really think there would even be a problem if it wasnt decidable where it came from. All that matters is that the guy that sent them has that amount less and i have that amount-fee more. Law enforcement might be annoyed, but really, if the bastards at the NSA want *all* bank data from *everyone* *always*. I'd rather have them have nothing.

    Infact zerocoin and darkcoin were created for that purpose exactly.

    The perfect case gives law enforcement some information, but they have to go around with warrants. It would also have a mechanism where nothing is tracable if they piss people off with abuse.
  • mode80mode80 Member Posts: 64 ✭✭
    "You cant send a transaction without signing it. "

    Does that transaction get saved on the blockchain, even when using MKTX? If it does then you're right and none of this is a problem. But from what I can tell it does not.

  • chris613chris613 Member Posts: 93 ✭✭
    @mode80? This does strike me as a bit odd as well. I get what Jasper is saying about "it being in there", but I also share your desire for all transactions to appear in the ledger AS TRANSACTIONS.

    I don't think the current system is nearly as bad as you think, though. A transaction browsing software could simply display the input tx, and all the output txs (actually balance adjustments) as one transaction, obviating the contract but still making it available to you for further inspection. It might look like this:

    my_addr(100eth) -> your_addr (10eth)
    ..........................-> thatguys_addr (60eth)

    If the transaction was triggering a larger payout from the existing contract balance it could be included as an input, so it might just look like this:

    my_addr(1 wei) ............-> your_addr(500eth)

    I do understand that this is still exotic from the POV of classic double entry accounting, but it's not as if it can't be clearly audited. You will know the block # of any balance adjustment against an account, and then you can evaluate the block, which includes running its contracts, to see exactly which transactions sent how much.
  • mode80mode80 Member Posts: 64 ✭✭
    It's easier for me to come to grips with this upon realizing that there's no random number function in ethereum. So all inputs to a smart contract script are available after the fact and blockchain-browsing software could re-run ALL the contracts in a block to deduce how money might have moved.

    That does seem like an ugly way to get at the most basic kind of information a blockchain exists to preserve.
  • JasperJasper Eindhoven, the NetherlandsMember Posts: 514 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2014
    Blockchain space isnt there to 'preserve' it, it is there to create consensus about it. If there could be consensus without having history in the blockchain, people would rightly use it. (and the history *is* in there) Cash money doesnt create a history either, btw.
  • mode80mode80 Member Posts: 64 ✭✭
    Fair enough. Consensus is the reason for the blockchain's existence and a complete transaction ledger is a perhaps a useful side-effect. If we can have the benefits of both, why shouldn't we?

    You're right that cash does not create a history but witness the lengths we go to compensating for that deficiency. Every time you buy a stick of gum, a dedicated piece of equipment (cash register) must exist to print out a receipt so that can be accounted for.

    If this issue is not fixed directly, the most useful client software -will- allow people to see where their money came from. And the way it'll do that is to re-run all the code that the ethereum network already ran to come to a number that the network already knew. Then it will cache that result in a proprietary database locally so that the user won't have to wait so long to get an answer next time.

    I don't have a philosophical problem with private transactions. But this aspect of Ethereum's design is not creating any privacy. It's only making it inefficient and difficult for users to get basic information about their own transactions.
  • heavyplayerheavyplayer Member Posts: 4
    MKTX doesn't exist anymore. If you want to send a Message Call within a Contract, you now need to use the "CALL" operation.

  • mode80mode80 Member Posts: 64 ✭✭
    I'd forgotten about this issue, but yes it seems you're right that MKTX will be leaving us soon. However, I don't think CALL will change they way a money movement is (or isn't) stored.

    It's less of a show-stopper than I first worried. Client software will work around it by keeping a database of money movement outcomes for each block. This will serve as something of an index for fast access, without re-running all the blockchain scripts. I think this will be so prevalent that it might as well be in the blockchain, but as of now, it is not.
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