CryptoWorldCup 2018

nicoyaconicoyaco Member Posts: 5
Hello Ethereum Community, today we released: CryptoWorldCup

Crypto World Cup is an ethereum blockchain betting game for the Russia World Cup. Its the the simplest, most secure and transparent way to bet for the World Cup Champion with Ethereum.

How it works?

In CryptoWorldCup you have to predict which country is going to be the champion in the Russia World Cup.

Can I play now?

YES! We published the contract today on mainnet, after several weeks of testing on testnet.

Can I make more than one bet?

Yes, you can make multiple bets and you can also bet on different countries, there is no limit.

Where can I see my bet?

Once the bet is mined in the Ethereum Blockchain it will appear on “My account”

How is the prize distributed?

The prize pool will be splitted between the ones that make a bet for the champion country. The contract will divide the prize between the winner in proportion to their bets.

Where is the smart contract?

The smart contract is deployed and verified on ethereum's main blockchain, the contract address is: 0x8FA5eeA1900B958791d8D42e2B341fEA9c33b843 In Etherscan you can see the contract details, movements and transactions here:

Thanks and be happy! @cryptoworldcup
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