Should I trust my miner's local hash rate or what the pool is calculating?

ceddycakesceddycakes Member Posts: 70
edited August 2016 in Mining
Should I trust the data from my miner at home or what the pool website says and the data it is receiving? I would like to know this info to get better data from different calculators.

Best Answer

  • retherrether Member Posts: 258 ✭✭
    Accepted Answer
    Your best bet is to take the hashrate your local miner is reporting and subtract about 10-15% from whatever the calculator is telling you.

    Pools generally report what your miner software is sending or they use the last 5minutes or hour (or whatever) to create an effective hashrate. This varies by pool luck and if your miner stopped for some reason etc. Overall if you mine long enough this rate should match what your miner is reporting probably minus a few percent.
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